So what did you do during Quarantine 2020? Well, I spent many, many hours exploring the fields behind my neighborhood, and I went hunting for native plants and wildflowers! Would you like to see what I saw? Below, I have listed all of the Southern California native plants I observed from March to July.
I had a lot of time on my hands, and I thought now would be an excellent time to get more familiar with the native plants in my area. Did you know that San Diego County has the highest biodiversity in the continental United States?
Yes! California hosts over 6500 species, subspecies, and varieties of plants, with 222 of these that are designated as rare, endangered, or threatened.
I live about one mile from the San Diego Border, so even though technically Temecula is in southwest Riverside County, let’s pretend.
So, where did I see all of these lovely plants? Behind my neighborhood is an undeveloped area that lies just outside the Pechanga Indian Reservation, and a dry riverbed runs parallel to two golf courses owned by Pechanga.
Below, I have provided a Google Map of the area that has become my second home these past five months.
Red Line=Observation Area
There are several biomes to explore here-
Coastal Sage Scrub
Southern Oak Woodland
Starting Point
Southern Oak Woodlands
California Buckwheat
Southern Boundary
Table of Contents
Unusual Amounts of Rainfall for Southern California
On a side note, I wanted to boast about how much rain we got this winter. Something extraordinary happened!
You see, we, on average, have very little rain here. But, in April, it rained almost every day for three weeks.
Why does this matter? First, the creek bed behind our neighborhood is always bone dry, and I have lived here for almost 17 years and have never seen this river flow. However, it was raining so hard in April that the creek could be heard over a block away.
The average rainfall for Southern California is usually only 10.3 inches, but we received over 11.63 inches of rain in March and April. Can you believe it? In just two months!
I bring up this fact because I believe all of this extra rain impacted the chaparral tremendously, in a good way.
Take a look and tell me if you agree.
Southern California Native Plants and Wildflowers
I have been trying my darnedest to learn how to identify Southern California’s plethora of native plants, but the process has been very gradual because I am a slow learner. In my defense, San Diego County has the highest biodiversity of flora and fauna in the entire continental US.
Because of this, it helps me tremendously to separate each plant down to its Family and scientific name. Once you understand Family characteristics, identifying plants becomes more straightforward when observing them in the field.
–>Click on any photo to see a larger version.
Ethnobotany and the Temecula Chaparral
Display case at the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Discovery Center
As I was wandering around in nature, I thought a great way of learning about Southern California native plants would be by researching how the Native Americans of San Diego and Temecula Valley utilized them.
Once I became familiar with Ethnobotany, which is studying the region’s plants and practical uses through the traditional knowledge of the local culture and people, I now knew how to proceed.
To be honest, this post has taken me well over eight weeks to comprise, not to mention the endless hours of searching and searching for all the new blooming plants. I am not complaining, as I have learned a tremendous amount about the local flora and native plants of Southern Temecula.
I additionally found some excellent references, which will be listed at the end of the post.
Kumeyaay and Luiseno’s Uses of Native Plants
Kumeyaay Willow Bark Skirt-on display at the San Diego Museum of Man
So why did I choose the Kumeyaay and the Luiseno Tribes? Luiseno is evident as I live next to the Pechanga Reservation. I picked the Kumeyaay Tribe because I have learned about its rich history every time I visit a nature center in San Diego County.
Down below, I will go over each tribe briefly to give you a general overview, but I have included links if you are interested in any additional information.
As I list all of the Southern California native plants, I will also add each of the Kumeyaay and the Luiseno indigenous names, if available. Also included within the list will be any traditional uses of each plant.
Applications of each plant are noted separately for each tribe. If no tribe is specified, please assume that the plant was utilized by a Southern California tribe unless otherwise noted.
The Kumeyaay of Southern California
Illustration: Schott, Sorony, Co. NY 1857, digitalized by Kosi Gramatikoff
Kumeyaay translates to ” those who face a water from a cliff.” The tribe consists of two related groups with two divided homelands.
TheIpai remain in San Diego, bordering north at Oceanside. At the same time, the Tipai lives to the south in Mexico, including the Laguna Mountains, Ensenada, and Tecate (Baja California).
The Kumeyaay tribe were the original inhabitants of what is known presently as San Diego County when Europeans first arrived in California in 1769.
These immigrants were a combination of soldiers, explorers, and missionaries who preceded to settle in ancient Kumeyaay village Kosa’aay, formally known as Old Town San Diego.
These settlers brought non-native and invasive flora and domesticated animals, which all wreaked havoc on the native ecology.
There is evidence, via archeological findings proving that the Kumeyaay have been in this area for over 12,000 years. I have previously written briefly about a Kumeyaay coastal hunting trail that is believed to be over 10,000 years old and found at La Jolla- La Jolla Coast Walk Trail.
Credit-Wikimedia Commons-Drawing by Luiseno Indian Pablo Tac circa the 1820s
The Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians, formally known as the Payaomkawichum ( “People of the West,”) has inhabited western Riverside County and San Diego North County for over 10,000 years.
Spanish Missionaries arrived in Temecula Valley in 1797 and established Mission San Luis Rey de Francia on Luiseno ancestorial territory. I have written briefly on the subject if you want to know more.–> Notable Places of Interest Near Guamoje Regional Park
The Luiseno used more plant foods than animal foods, which included over 17 species of native grasses. With the arrival and colonization of European settlers, the plant communities considerably altered.
The Executive Order officially established the Pechanga Reservation on June 27, 1882.
Before we start, I thought it would be a good idea to define a few terms beforehand.
First off, here is a plant diagram to help you understand how to identify-
Flower Diagram
Credit- Wikimedia Commons
Next, a helpful chart gives you an idea of identifying each type of leaf.
Leaf Morphology
And finally, here are some helpful definitions to elaborate on how Native Americans utilized various Southern California native plants.
Herbal Medicine Definitions
Decoction- a liquor results from concentrating a substance’s essence by heating or boiling, especially a medicinal preparation made from a plant; the process of extracting- slow evaporation. You can make a syrup by adding sugar or honey to the essence.
Endemic- native and limited to one place
Herbalism- a study of pharmacognosy (the study of plants of other natural sources as a source of drugs) and the use of medicinal plants
Infusion- a drink, a remedy, or extract prepared by soaking the plant or herb into a liquid
Poultice- a soft, moist mass of material, typically of plant material, applied to the body to relieve soreness and inflammation and kept in place by a cloth
Family Adoxaceae
The Moschatel Family
flowering plants
opposite toothed leaves
small five or sometimes (rare) four-petaled flowers in cymose inflorescence’s
cymose definition- flat-topped flower cluster where the main and branch stems each end in a flower that opens before those below it of to its side
the fruit is a drupe-( a fleshy fruit with a thin skin and a central stone with a seed inside
Mexican Elderberry- Sambucus nigra
Other Names– American black elderberry, Canada elderberry, common elderberry, blue elderberry, American elder, Mexican elder, tapiro, fever tree, tree of medicine, blood elder
Kumeyaay– kepally
Luiseno- kootah
Traditional Uses–
very versatile- every part of the tree was used
berries are consumed via jams, jellies, wine, and syrups, where the fruit is cooked down with the seeds strained.
leaves, and the inner bark is used as an insecticide and dye.
Interesting Facts–
Edible flowers and berries (if ripe and cooked), but other parts of the plant are toxic, so it is not advisable to eat raw berries.
The genus comes from the Greek word Sambuca, after the ancient wind instrument. If you remove the pith from twigs, you can create a whistle.
Family Anacardiaceae
The Sumac Family
thick green leaves with red twigs
contain urushiol, which is an irritant
resin canals are located in the inner fibrous bark of the fibrovascular system found in the plant’s leaves, roots, and stems
evergreen leaves
Laurel Sumac- Malosima laurina
Other Names– California sumac, taco plant, lentisco (Spanish)
Kumeyaay- Ektii
Luiseno– Nakwut
Traditional Uses–
Luiseno- would make tea by adding dried bark to hot water to give to women after birth; as well as used for an initiation ceremony for girls
Kumeyaay-dry out the fruits and grind them into a flour
used in woman’s puberty ceremonies as well as used in a bathing ritual during childbirth
used to treat venereal disease
Interesting Facts–
dicot angiosperm
leaves will fold up along the midrib to help reduce the surface area during drought: thus, the term “Taco Plant.”
habit spreading or erect
leaves and stems are full of volatile compounds that have a distinct odor
leaves measure between 3 to 5 inches (7.5-12.5 cm) in length and 2-3 inches wide (5-7.5 cm)
flowers are cream-yellow in a conic panicle- (a branched cluster of flowers where the ones at the base open up first- pyramid-shaped) and bloom in the summer
the ‘skeleton’ of the flower remains on the tree for some time, giving it a unique look
one of the first plants to resprout after a fire
used as a sentinel plant- Early orange growers in California would decide where to plant their oranges by where Laural sumac was growing because this indicated that the temperatures would not get too cold for the oranges
Fun Fact- All flowers of the laurel sumac have male stamens and female pistons, but only one sex is functional for each tree.
Sugar Bush- Rhus ovata
Other Names– Sugar sumac, sugar bush
Luiseno- pac qwa t
Lemonade Berry Bush (Rhus integrifolia)–
Luiseno- Shoval
#Sugar sumac is very close inland relative to the coastal lemonadeberry bush
Traditional Uses–
Luiseno-the leaves were used to make into a tincture or powder to use for mucous membrane ulcers and sores
soothes, shrinks, and disinfects
primarily used as a relief for a nursing infant
Kumeyaay- lemonade berry bush traditional uses-
used for colds, coughs and to ease childbirth
fruit used as a sweetener, eaten cooked or raw
Interesting Facts–
an evergreen shrub that prefers south-facing slopes
ranges from northern Baja California up to the coast of Southern California
may grow up to 32 feet in height ( 6.6-32.8 ft) or ( 2-10 m)
leaves are simple, dark green, leathery ovate that fold at the midrib and are alternate
twigs and stems are red
the inflorescence occurs at the end of the branches and consists of 5 petaled flowers that are white to pink
the fruit is a red sticky drupe
blooms from April-May
excellent habitat for birds
Family Asteraceae
The Aster, Sunflower, or Composite Family
most are annual or perennial herbs, with some trees and shrubs and vines
especially common in dry and open environments
composite flower head or pseudanthium or capitulum- small clusters of hundreds to thousands of flowers that are clumped together to make one flower
leaves can be opposite, alternate, or whorled
often contain resin or latex
the name Asteraceae comes from the type genus Aster, which in Ancient Greek means ‘star’ and refers to the star-like shape of the inflorescence
cosmopolitan distribution
economically significant as well as a weed
Common Sunflower- Helianthus annuus
Other Names- wild sunflower
Traditional Uses-
Luiseno- use the seeds for food
Interesting Information–
large branching annual plant with many flower heads that are up to 12 inches in diameter
an erect hairy stem that can reach heights up to 9.8 feet (3 m)
leaves are mostly alternate, broad, rough, and toothed
the inflorescence is a composite flower head- numerous small five-petaled flowers (florets)
disk flowers- flowers in the middle which are arranged spirally
Fun Fact- Sunflower seeds were brought over to Europe from the Americas in the 16th century and in addition to sunflower oil, became a very popular cooking ingredient
Golden Yarrow– Eriophyllum confertiflorium
Other Names– yellow yarrow, Golden-yarrow
Traditional Uses–
Kumeyaay-the whole plant was boiled, and the water was used to treat acne
grind parched seeds into flour
Interesting Information–
Confertiflorum (Latin) means “densely-flowered.”
each flower head (inflorescence) has up to 30 flowers heads
Eriophyllum (Greek) means “wooly-leafed.”
shallow roots
great for erosion control
seen frequently after fires
important nectar source for a mixture of insects
San Diego Tarweed- Deinandra paniculata #
Other Names-Hemizonia paniculata, paniculate tarweed, slender tarweed, clustered tarweed, golden tarweed, sticky tarweed, clustered moonshine daisy, fascicled tarweed
Traditional Uses-
Kumeyaay- used the plant to ease headaches. They would boil the plant and inhale the steam either in a sweathouse or standing over a pot with a cloth over their head.
The Chumash, near Santa Barbara and the Channel Islands, would collect and dry the seeds, pound the seeds with a bit of water, and then form it into a ball to eat raw
tied several plants together to create a broom
seeds were also used in a Pinole, which was a flour-like substance that was used dry or as a gruel
boiled the entire plant and ate the thick, tarry substance
Interesting Information-
rare annual herb
flowers with 7 to 10 petals
the inflorescence is in an open panicle formation (spreading heads
found in dry foothills, mesas, and disturbed areas
exudes a resin, hence the name “Tarweed.”
the resin is believed to help reduce water loss from the plant tissues during the hot summers
a cut stem will stay ‘fresh’ for up to three days without water
the resin may smell unpleasantly sour or pleasantly delicious depending on the age of the plant
the resin is toxic and deters grazers
has compounds within the resin that are believed to absorb ultraviolet radiation, which may protect from sun damage to the plant
creates a green/yellow stain
California Mugwort- Artemesia douglasiana
Other Names- Douglas’ sagewort, dream plant
Luiseno- Pakoshish, Pa’aku
Traditional Uses-
to make small boys’ arrows from mugwort stalks
inhaled via smoke to promote healthy dreams, sacred sleep, and ward off evil spirits: as well as to treat cold, flu, and fevers
antiseptic, antiviral, antimicrobial
make tea from the leaves to help with congestion
a sedative with calming effects
use the leaves as a treatment for poison oak
used to ease arthritis
insect repellent as well as to relieve insect bites
the wool from the leaves was collected and rolled into a small cone and then ignited to help cauterize a wound
used as a bath for measles
the leaves are chewed to ease tooth and gum pain
the leaves, whether dried, burned, or fresh, were used to cover food to prevent pests
Interesting Information–
prefers damp soil; persist along streambeds
large, broad leaves that are green on the top and white below
has been used medically and ceremonially for thousands of years
considered a “magic plant”
calming sage-like scent
Mugwort was used to flavor beer in the UK before the introduction of hops, so some believe this is how it got its name.
Fun Fact- I remember seeing an article in May, about how in Madagascar they have created several natural remedies (COVID Organics) to help fight COVID 19, with an African variety of mugwort included as one of their active ingredients.
California Sagebrush- Artemesia californica
Other Names- Old Man, coastal sagebrush, California sagewort, California mugwort
Kumeyaay– kuchash
Luiseno– hulvul
Traditional Uses–
Luiseno would use white sage and sagebrush to build a ceremonial pre-hunting fire. They believed that the smoke from the fire would absolve any negative energy and bad luck
Kumeyaay would ground the leaves up to make a poultice to help with ant bites or boil to make a tea when ill (respiratory, arthritis): water bath for measles
inhalation of smoke from the leaves was used to treat respiratory tract infections
bunches of sagebrush stalks were made into dolls for the “Burning of the Images Ceremony”
used in girl puberty ceremonies, menstruation teas, anxiety, depression
leaves are dried out and smoked like tobacco
poultice for toothaches and wounds applied to the back for asthma
to soothe menopausal symptoms, ease childbirth, and give to newborns to flush out their systems
early California miners used it in a spray to keep fleas out of their beds
some tribes would wear sagebrush necklaces to ward off evil spirits
Interesting Information-
not a true sage
is the dominant plant in the coastal sage scrub community, and an essential member of some chaparral and dry foothill communities
leaves are light green and hairy
contain terpene chemicals which give it a sage-like smell
these chemicals are thought to inhibit the growth of other plant species, resulting in bare patches of dirt under and around the bush
aromatic insect repellant
antimicrobial leaves
adapt to the summer heat by dropping their leaves under extreme drought
the root system is shallow and fibrous, which allows it to take advantage of early-season rains for rapid growth
Yellow Pincushion- Chaenactis glabriuscula
Other Names– Yellow Chaenactis, common yellow chaenactis
Traditional Uses–
dried seeds were grounded into a flower and then mixed with other seeds to make a mush/porridge
Interesting Information–
blooms in early summer
prefers disturbed areas
all parts of the plants may be covered with cobwebby-like hairs
species in this genus are characterized by the lack of ray florets, the presence of two types of disks florets, and by a Pappas ( aides in seed dispersal) that consists of four flat scales
the outer florets, which are more oversized and asymmetrical, are female, while the inner disk florets are smaller, symmetrical, and bisexual
know as a ‘fire follower- it might be the smoke that initiates germination
California Everlasting- Pseudognaphalium californicum
Other Names- Ladies tobacco, California cudweed, California pearly everlasting, California rabbit tobacco, gnaphalium californicum
Traditional Uses-
The Ohlone tribe from the Monterey Bay area used an infusion of California everlasting to treat colds and stomach pains.
sleeping on a pillow of the leaves and flowers of California can cure catarrh (inflammation of the mucus membrane.)
Modern medicine has acknowledged that Pseudonaphallium ssp. relieves sciatica and numbness.
Interesting Information–
easily recognized by lack of florets and by the papery phyllaries that envelope and primarily cover the disk florets (this is where the name “Everlasting” comes from)
the stems and both sides of the leaves are soft and green and very sticky, and sometimes scattered woolly hairs give it a gray tint
both stem and leaves a covered with tiny glandular hairs that give off a varied aroma- maple syrup, citrus, curry, lemonade
at the end of the bloom cycle, the leaves turn tan, and the scent of this plant perfumes the area
goes dormant during summer drought
pioneer species
prefers disturbed areas
can become semi-weedy in dry areas that were previously moist (for instance, near the dry riverbed)
is the preferred host for the American lady butterfly (Vanessa virginiensis)
Coyote Brush- Baccharis pilularis
Other Names- chaparral broom, coyote bush
Kumeyaay- Samaall Kwsiyaay
Luiseno- Morwaxpish
Traditional Uses-
(Otherwise known as saltmarsh Baccharis, (Baccharis douglassii) was the variety used by the natives. All the information below refers to this type of coyote bush.)
a cluster of branchlets was used to collect cactus from brushing away the tiny spines.
was used as a remedy for poison oak
shelter material
fire drill
a decoction was made out of leaves is used for bathing sores and wounds
Interesting Information–
Baccharis is the only genus in Asteraceae that has male and female flowers on separate plants-dioecious
flower heads are in a leafy panicle (a many-branched inflorescence)
rayless flowers
erect bush generally less than 9.8 feet (3 m) in height
branches are spreading or ascending
leaves are .31 to 2.12 inches (8-55 mm) long and are entire (even and smooth) to toothed and oblanceolate to obovate
secondary pioneer plant in the coastal sage scrub and chaparral
it does not regenerate in a closed shrub canopy because seeding growth can not tolerate shade
colonizes fire disturbed areas due to the root crown resprouting
it is somewhat fire-resistant because of a high concentration of fire-retardant organic compounds in the leaves
important nectar source for predatory wasps, native small butterflies, and native flies
Telegraph Weed- Heterotheca grandflora
Other Names- no other names known
Traditional Uses-
Luiseno made arrows from the tall stems of this plant
Chumash used as a flea repellant
Interesting Information–
short-lived perennial that produces many yellow daisy-like flowers in late summer and early fall
leaves are sticky to touch and smell similar to camphor when crushed
provides two types of seeds
seed from the center of the flower head has a silky tuft of bristles that act as wings (pappus) for the wind to carry them long distances- seeds germinate quickly
the seeds located on the edges of the flower head lack these bristles, and many will land close to the mother plant- seeds germinate more slowly
only found in California
prefers open sandy spaces
classified as a weed in other parts of the world
the common name “Telegraph” may be due to the tendency for this plant to take over disturbed areas
Mule Fat- Baccharis salicifolia
Other Names- mulefat, seep willow
Kumeyaay- Jamushi
Luiseno- Pa Aku
Traditional Uses-
Kumeyaay used mule fat as a thatching material as well as a poultice from cooked leaves and bud tips
made box traps for quail
hollowed out stems to make pipe stems
Luiseno would boil the leaves to make a tea to treat kidney infections and sores
hand fire drills- the tip of a thin vertical stick was rested in a shallow cup and rotated very quickly to create a spark
arrows and spears
Interesting Information–
early colonizer riparian species that must have a regular or semi-regular water source; near ponds, streams, and river banks
bears male and female flowers on separate plants (dioecious)
the wind spreads hundreds of silky seed-bearing parachutes afloat
flower heads are made up of cream and white disk florets and are arranged in clusters
primary flowering time is late summer through early spring, but flowers are present year-round
the species name- salicifolia, means “willow-leaved”
mature mule fat leaves are resinous, which makes them shiny, and are the same color on each side (willow leaves have a duller surface and the back of the leaf is lighter)
forms dense thickets that are eventually taken over by taller willows and cottonwoods
receive the name ‘mule fat’ due to the fact of mules becoming bloated after eating the bush
a perennial or biennial native to the western United States
lack disk florets
purple stamen
branching green stem plant that grows up to six feet
blooms during the driest time of year
leaves disappear before the flowers bloom
thought to be a strategy of the plant to conserve water
blooms late spring to early summer
Family Boraginaceae
Common Fiddleneck
The Forget-Me-Not Family
Five lobed flowers are produced along a coiled stalk- scorpioid cymes
fruit that is split into four one-seeded chambers
alternately arranged leaves or a combination of alternate and opposite leaves
narrow hairy leaves which can irritate the skin
Common Fiddleneck- Amsinckia intermedia
Other Names- common fiddleneck, ranchers fireweed, yellow fiddleneck
Traditional Uses-
Chumash grounded and toasted the seeds and made them into a pinole. It was said that they had a good flavor and a pretty color.
Interesting Information–
as the plant grows, the stem uncoils, and new flowers blossom while the lower older flowers turn to seed pods
one or more stems with upright lateral branches grow out of the base of the plant; upright lateral branches
flowers are radially symmetrical and bisexual
found abundant in large open areas such as meadows, grasslands, and disturbed areas
used for erosion control and restoration
Common Cryptantha- Cryptantha intermedia
Other Names- Popcorn flower, large-flowered cryptantha, cat’s eye, common cat’s-eyes, clearwater cryptantha, white forget-me-not
Traditional Uses-
no traditional uses were found, but seeds could have been collected to eat
Interesting Information–
flowers are grown on one side of the stalk, forming a tight coil (scorpioid), with the stalk unfurling when the flowers mature (similar to fiddleneck)
flowers are radially symmetrical and bisexual- short white trumpet-shaped with five rounded lobes
low growing annual that grows erect or spreading to two feet in height
‘popcorn flower’ is an umbrella term for several species that vary in size, shape, and surface textures
form blankets of tiny white flowers- abundant in open spaces and disturbed areas
the Spanish called them ‘nievitas, ‘ meaning little snow
Common cryptantha is an obligate fire follower – studies show that their seed germination rate increases to 75% when seeds are charred by fire (50% germination rate typically/without fire)
Copper’s Popcornflower-Plagiobothrys collinus
Interesting Information–
annual plant found in California, Arizona, and northern Mexico and is located in a variety of habitats
spreading or erect stem 3.9 to 15.7 inches (10-40 cm) in length
the inflorescence is a long, widely spaced series of tiny flowers, each with five lobes
the plant is coated in fine and coarse hairs
its fruit is so small, and you can only see with magnification
this species, Plagiobothrys, is known to carry free nitrates in such high concentrations that it can cause distress or death to cattle
bloom from February to May
Salt Heliotrope- Heliotropium curassavicum
Other Names- alkali heliotrope, seaside heliotrope, wild heliotrope, Chinese purslane, Chinese pusley, monkey tail, quail plant
Traditional Uses-
Kumeyaay- boil the entire plant to make tea for menstruation.
Spanish settlers would make a powder from the plant and blow it into wounds to promote healing.
the common name, Chinese purslane, came about in the 1800s when Chinese immigrants would harvest this plant to supplement their diets
a purple dye can be made out of this plant
Interesting Information–
found in damp and disturbed areas, especially if slightly alkaline or saline
flowers bloom on a gradually uncoiling stalk, with seeds formed
small white flowers with yellow throats that turn purple with age
flowers are bisexual with five stamens and one green mushroom-shaped pistol
leaves are bluish-green and slightly fleshy
reproduction is more often by shoots coming off of the wide-spreading roots than by seeds
blooms from March to October
Fun Fact-Like others in this family, they produce organic compounds (pyrrolizidine alkaloids) that can be harmful to grazing livestock. These compounds taste bad and cause liver damage to vertebrates, including humans
California Bluebell- Pacella minor
Other Names- wild canterbury bells, wild scorpion weed, Whitlavia
Interesting Information–
annual herb found in recently burned areas
grows up to 8 inches tall in a mostly unbranched formation
it is hairy, covered with thick glandular hairs
prefers sandy soils in open and disturbed areas, slopes
flowers from April to June
Branching Phacelia-Phacelia ramosissima
Other Names- caterpillar phacelia, wild heliotrope, scorpion weed
Luiseno- Sikimona
Traditional Uses-
the Luiseno would use this plant as “greens”- they were gathered before the flowers appear
Interesting Information–
flowers are coiled on one end of the stem- as the stem uncoils, white or pale lavender flowers bloom at the apex of the coil
flowers are bisexual and radially symmetrical
each flower stem resembles a giant green caterpillar with a flower head
is a sprawling, untidy subshrub that has several long branching stems coming out from the base
lavender colored pollen
the thick hairs covering the entire plant (trichomes) are believed to defend against insects chewing or sucking on them; as well as a way to deter mammal grazers
Fun Fact- Touching this plant can irritate your skin and can cause an allergic reaction similar to that of poison oak- itchy blisters can stay on your skin for up to a week- sensitivity varies person to person
Family Cactaceae
The Cactus Family
thick-skinned succulents that lack leaves with spines
spines are produced from specialized structures- areoles which are highly reduced branches
flowers bloom from the areoles
live in drought-like environments
shallow root systems which take advantage of the rain
the stems are fluted or ribbed, which allows them to expand and contract efficiently for immediate water absorption after any rain
Chaparral Prickly Pear- Opuntia oricola
Other Names- Western prickly pear, nopal
Kumeyaay- ‘Ehpaa, melltat
Luiseno- Navut
Traditional Uses-
Luiseno would utilize all parts of the plants for eating: fruit (tunas), new pads (nopales)
save the seeds from the fruit, dry them out, grind them into a ‘meal,’ add water, and use this as a food source. Cholla cactus seeds were used in this ‘meal’ as well.
the liquid within the fruit is believed to help with bone nourishment
Kumeyaay would fry or boil the pads
used the long spines to apply tattoos using charcoal
make a tea to help with diabetes
used as a dressing for wounds
spines were knocked off the plant by using a coyote bush branch
Interesting Information-
the internal tissues of the pads are filled with water
a shallow root system, extensively branched
a sizeable tree-like plant that is covered in clusters of 2 to 6, 2 cm long non-barbed spines
at the base of each long spine, there or tufts of short, fine barbed spines (glochids)
the spines discourage grazing and are used to collect and direct water from the fog( a dew point)- the most prominent spines point downward; thus, the moisture is directed down to the roots
early morning gathering of this plant was recommended because that is when the spikes lay more flat
showy yellow flowers sprout on the edges of the pads in May and June
an edible egg-shaped red fruit is produced and is covered in glochids (beware)- was eaten raw and dried
important plant species for cattle grazing during dry spells in the early 20th century
host to a cochineal scale ( Dactyliopis spp). The scale contains carminic acid, which is distasteful to predators. The Aztecs learned how to make a brilliant red dye from the acid. So when the Spaniards arrived in the New World, they found widespread farms of prickly pear cactus, along with its associated scale. Cochineal quickly became an extensive export to European markets, second to only silver for its export value.
Fun Fact- I have a prickly pear cactus situated right in front of my house. Though I have not cooked or eaten any of the pads, I do thoroughly enjoy the fruit. It is important to have something wrapped around the fruit before picking it, due to those nasty, nasty glochids!
I use a newspaper to pick the fruit and then to roll it within the newpaper to get rid of the tiny spines. Next cut the peel off and enjoy! One thing that I do also, is let the fruit sit in a large glass of water for a couple of hours. By soaking, you increase the viscocity of the water and truly experience its wonderful watermelon flavor. It really is natures’ Gatorade!
Cholla Cactus- Cylindropuntia fulgida
Other Names- coastal cholla cactus, choya, cholla costera, jumping cactus
Kumeyaay- Etat’kwilly
Luiseno- Mutual, Choya
Traditional Uses-
the meat (tuna) of the stem is eaten, and it is high in protein
the roots were used as a water source
seeds used for food
the meat of the cactus was roasted and then applied to wounds or burns
Interesting Information-
has many spreading tubular branches covered in sharp barbed spines
greenish to yellowish flowers bloom from April to June
referred to as the ‘jumping cactus”
Family Caprifoliaceae
The Honeysuckle Family Characteristics
cosmopolitan distribution with ornamental value
mostly shrubs and vines-rarely herbs
leaves are evergreen or deciduous, which are primarily opposite of each other
flowers are ‘bell-like’ or tubular with five outward spreading points or lobes and are often fragrant
the fruit is a berry or a drupe
Chaparral Honeysuckle- Lonicera subspicata var. johnstonii
Other Names- Southern honeysuckle, San Diego honeysuckle, Santa Barbara honeysuckle
Kumeyaay– Coacnuylj
Luiseno- Kupat
Traditional Uses-
Kumeyaay used honeysuckle as cordage, basket making, and to treat cold and flu
Luiseno used the arching red stems basket making
bundled several long branches together to make brooms
Interesting Information–
is a vine that grows through sturdier plants as a way of support
dark green semi-glossy oval leaves with a paler lower surface
leaves up to 1.5 inches (4 cm) long
creme colored (sometimes tinged with pink) bisexual flowers with red berries
1.5 inches (4 cm) long
flowers have an upper and lower lip
the fruit is a yellow or red berry that is less than .5 in (1 cm)
flowers bloom from April to July
Family Caryophyllaceae
The Carnation or Pink Family
cosmopolitan distribution with many species grown commercially
herbaceous annuals and perennials which die off above ground each season
most are non-succulent
leaves are almost always opposite
terminal hermaphroditic flowers which bloom singly or branched or forked in cymes
Cardinal Catchfly- Silene laciniata
Other Names- southern pink, Mexican pink, fringed Mexican pink, fringed Indian pink, catchfly
Traditional Uses-
Chumash women would make a tea from this plant that would help regulate the menstrual cycle
Interesting Information–
one to several stems with a thick taproot
Five petaled flowers are symmetrical, bisexual with ten stamens that are as long as the petals, which tend to group on one side of the flower
the name “catchfly” came from the fact that this plant has glandular hairs with a sticky substance on its stem and leaves, which trap small insects such as flies and ants. It is thought that this adaptation helps the plant save its nectar for larger insects (bees, butterflies), thus increasing the chance of cross-pollination.
flower May to July
Family Convolvulaceae
The Bindweed or Morning Glory Family
mostly herbaceous vines
recognized by its funnel-shaped, radially symmetrical corolla
leaves are simple and alternate
reduced to a scale with California dodder
the fruit carries only two seeds
leaves are starchy, and tuberous roots are edible with some species (sweet potatoes, water spinach)
some members of this family are well known as ornate garden plants
California Dodder- Cuscuta californica
Other Names- chaparral dodder
Traditional Uses-
The Kumeyaay would use a dodder that was attached to buckwheat as a cure for the black widow spider bite
Luiseno used to scrub utensils and containers
a yellow dye can be made by boiling the plant
Interesting Information–
an annual plant that likes to attach to perennials-once the host plant goes dormant, the dodder will die off, giving the host plant time to recover afterward.
a parasite lacks roots, so all nutrients and water come from the host plant, which is rarely killed.
top host species – California buckwheat, deerweed, sages, croton, and sand aster.
has short-lived leaves and small flowers (3mm wide) and a pinhead-sized fruit that has two to four seeds inside
reproduces by seed that only lives in the soil for 5 to 10 days
within this time, the plant must be able to find and attach to a suitable host if it is to survive
it penetrates the host by small root-like structures (haustoria), and then the original root dies
listed as a noxious weed
Morning Glory- Calystegia macrostegia
Other Names- Island false bindweed, island morning glory, coast morning glory, wild morning glory, California morning glory, California bindweed, south coast false bindweed, morning glory, large-bracted morning-glory
Traditional Uses-
no traditional uses found
Chumash name- s’epsu”i’ashk’a which means “Coyote basket-hat’
Interesting Information-
vine that climbs or can grow on the ground without support
arrow-shaped leaves
trumpet-shaped flower with sometime 5 light pinkish-green stipes on the underside
prefers rocky south-facing slopes
pollinator plant for native bee species
several vines grow up to 12 feet (3.5 meters) from the same deep woody rootstock
major blooming time is March to August
dormant in the summer
Family Crassulaceae
Stonecrop or Orpine Family
dicotyledons (dicots) are flowering plants with succulent leaves
a unique form of photosynthesis, CAM- Crassulacean acid metabolization
the stomata in the leaves stay closed during the day, which conserves water and reduces evapotranspiration, and opens back up at night to collect carbon dioxide
the inflorescence is often many-branched
flowers may be red, yellow, or white
Stonecrop Family Medicinal Qualities
fights against articular gout, diarrhea, stomach pain, worms, and more
uses were internal as well as applied topically
know to regulate hormone response of the body
crushed leaves with wine were used to get rid of intestinal parasites
mashed leaves were used for burns and scalds
cut leaves were utilized for calluses, corns, warts, and insect bites
the juice was used for shingles and earache
Plants within this family are widespread in Mexico, but here in Southern California, they are extremely rare.
Lady Fingers- Dudleya edulis #
Kumeyaay– Millykumil
Other Names- coast live-forever, fingertips, San Diego Dudleya, string bean plant, Nuttal’s live-forever, Ladies’-fingers live-forever, dead man fingers, mission lettuce, chalk lettuce, tapertip liveforever
Traditional Uses-
Kumeyaay would chew on the stems to relieve thirst, eat the young flower stalks, and eat the stems raw.
Luiseno, used as an antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic,
would cut, crush, and smash stems to make
Interesting Information–
a low-growing perennial with one or several short branches from a woody base. Each branch produces a rosette of fleshy green leaves.
grows in rocky soil and bluffs
three to eleven flowers occur on the terminal branchlet on very short pedicels
bisexual flowers are cream-colored and less than 3/8 of an inch long with five fleshy sepals and five petals
the leaves are generally 8 inches or shorter (as you can see in the photo above, the leaves are much longer than 8 inches!)
the fruit contained saponin (soap-like) and was used to clean various utility items- buffalo gourd oil
seeds were used as a food source
Interesting Information–
need very little water and prefer arid environments- requires high temperatures for germination
large heart-shaped leaves
flowers grow singly on the nodes of the vine after a significant amount of growth
the fruit has a diameter of 3 to 4 inches with over 292-315 seeds
Wild Cucumber- Marah macrocarpus
Other Names- manroot, chilicothe (Spanish), Cucamonga manroot, cucumber gourds
Luiseno- Enwish
Traditional Uses-
Kumeyaay would boil the leaves to help treat hemorrhoids
ground the black seeds, mix with water to create black face paint
a topical application of the leaves was used to relieve pain and inflammation
Luiseno would use the dried seeds for necklaces
used to make a grease base for paint
made red and paint from the seeds
created a green dye
Other native tribes would pulverize the root and throw pieces of it into ponds and streams to go “fishing”
Fun Fact-Oils from the seeds were used to reverse balding. Chemicals in wild cucumbers have similar pharmaceutical properties compared to those used today for baldness treatment.
Interesting Information–
relative of the cucumber, watermelon, and squash
a long herbaceous perineal trailing or climbing vine that can get to up to 25 feet (8 m) in length
the vine attaches itself to adjacent shrubs by ‘tendrils”
white or creme flowers are either male or female and are on the same plant
blooms from December to April and becomes dormant in the summer
male flowers appear first, and this helps to increase cross-pollination and thus decreases self-pollination
the fruit grows out of the female flower, which is larger than the male flowers
the fruit is a large (1.5 to 5 inches), green spiny ovoid and, when mature, split open and disperses up to 16 seeds
has a vast tuberous root that looks like a grown man in the ‘fetal position’ and can weigh over 100 pounds
the root contains the chemical (megharrhin) which was used to ‘stun’ fish
Family Cyperaceae
The Sedge Family
stems with triangular cross-section
leaves arranged in three ranks compared to grasses which have alternative leaves, forming two ranks
Cyperaceae is the family of graminoids, which means ‘grass-like.’
prefer moist areas such as wetlands as well as disturbed areas.
examples include water chestnut, papyrus
San Diego Sedge- Carax spissa
Traditional Uses-
I didn’t find any native uses for this particular species, but Carax sp. (sedge) in itself has many beneficial properties-
the grass was used inside of the mocassin as an insulator
infusion of leaves for diarrhea
roots used in basketry
the stems were woven to make spoons
stems used for food
sacred plant
fibers used to make mats, bedding, and rugs
juice from the pith was used as a beverage
Interesting Information–
prefers moist ecosystems is disturbed or ‘seep’ and sometimes serpentine soils
has angled stems that are up to 4 feet long that are surrounded by leathery green to reed leaves
the inflorescence is up to 2.5 feet tall with many long reddish-brown flower spikes with up to 300 developing fruits
Family Ericaceae
The Heath of Heather Family
members include- blueberries, cranberries, azaleas
found most ordinarily in acid and infertile growing conditions
a diverse range of taxa- herbs, shrubs, dwarf shrubs, and trees
evergreen leaves, which can be alternate, whorled, simple, and without stipules
hermaphrodite flowers with fused petals with a variety of shapes
urn-shaped, narrowly tubular, or funnelform
have mycorrhizal fungi that grow in and around the root, which help extract nutrients from infertile soils
Fun Facts- In many parts of the world, ‘heathland’ is described as an open community with low-quality acidic soils, mostly comprised of low-lying shrubs and often dominated by plants in the Ericaceae family.
Rainbow Manzanita- Arctostaphylos rainbowenis #
Kumeyaay- Hw’silly
Traditional Uses-
the berries were used as a food source
Interesting Information–
named after the community in which it is present- Rainbow, California and was described as a new species in 1984
erect bush that is between 3 to 13 feet tall
upside-down bell-shaped flowers that form clusters and produce plump reddish-brown fruits
it has a burl at the base and is coated in reddish-brown bark
Family Euphorbiaceae
Spurge or Euphorbias Family
flowering plants, with most being herbs, but in the tropics, some are shrubs and trees
leaves are opposite
radially symmetrical unisex flowers, which are usually on the same plant
the family contains large amounts of phytotoxins
the seeds of the non-native plant of this family, the castor oil plant (Ricinus communis), have the highly toxic carbohydrate-binding protein ricin
many are grown as ornamental plants- rubber plants, poinsettia
numerous species are listed on the poisonous plant database of the US Food and Drug Administration
a milky latex is characteristic of sub-Family Crotonoideae
Croton- Croton californicus
Other Names- desert croton
Traditional Uses-
Kumeyaay made a tea out of the entire plant and used it as an eye-wash for pink eye
in Baja California, they drank the tea for a cough
Luiseno used croton to induce abortion
other native tribes made a salve that was rubbed on the skin for rheumatism or as a poultice for earaches
Interesting Information–
low growing gray-green plant with small unnoticeable flowers (lack petals) which prefers sandy environments (avoids high organic and clay soils)
male and female flowers are on different plants
bloom from May to October, but flowers can be seen year-round
the foliage is covered with tiny stellate (radiating) hairs which help to deter grazers as well as to reflect the sun, thus cooling the plant, and protecting the leaves from the wind, also reducing water loss
reputation as a coastal scrub plant
the genus name Croton comes from the Greek word that means “tick,” as the seeds of this plant look like these nasty parasites
Turkey Mullein-Croton setiger
Other Names- Doveweed, Croton setigerus
Traditional Uses-
the Pomo tribe up in the Los Angeles area would use it as an anti-diarrheal by making a decoction of the smashed plant
a decoction of mashed and boiled roots was used for bleeding diarrhea
crushing plants were used to stupify fish by some Native American tribes
Interesting Information–
low-lying, pale green plant with hairy, felt like hexagon-shaped leaves with small green flowers covered with fine bristles
used as ornamental plants
foliage is toxic to animals, but birds eat the seeds
the common name ‘dove weed’ is due to the affinity of its seeds to doves and wild turkeys
Family Fabaceae
The Legume, Pea, or Bean Family
important agricultural and food plants as well as ornamental
the third-largest plant family following Orchidaceae and Asteraceae
Fabaceae is the most common plant family found in tropical forests and the dry forests of America and Africa
easily recognizable by its fruit (legume) and stipulate leaves (an outgrowth from either side of the base of the leafstalk)
wide variety of growth forms- trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants, vines, and lianas (long-stemmed woody vine which uses trees as a support to reach the upper canopy for sunlight
leaves are usually alternate and compound
hermaphroditic flowers with five fused sepals and five free petals
entomophilous plants- pollinated by insects
many members of this family have symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria in their root nodules. The bacteria (rhizobia) can transform atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogen compounds that higher plants can utilize.
this nitrogen-fixing process helps the soil recover after a fire by replacing the nitrogen lost in the fire
Rhizobia are found naturally in the soil but need a host plant to do its “nitrogen-fixing” job.
When the host plant dies, the nitrogen material is broken down and becomes available to other organisms to utilize
Luiseno would eat the stem and leaves, but there is no information about how they cooked them
Interesting Information–
an annual herb native to Southern California and Baja California coastal mountain ranges and canyons
grows to 1.6 feet (.5 m) tall
each palmate leaf is made up of 5 to 8 narrow leaflets with truncate (blunt) tips measuring .78 to 1.5 inches (2-4 cm) in length
the inflorescence is a raceme of widely spaced flowers
flowers are purple and turn magenta when fertilized
can be easily recognized by the blunt leaf shape and the widely spaced flower stalk
blooms March to May
Silver Bush Lupine- Lupinus albifrons
Other Names- silver lupine, white-leaf bush lupine, evergreen lupine
Traditional Uses-
Northern California tribe, the Karuk, would make a decoction of the plant and take a steam bath for stomach problems
the Kashaya Band of Poma Indians of the Sonoma Coast (Northern California) would add silver bush lupine flowers to ceremonial wreaths to be worn for the Flower Dance at the Strawberry Festival in May
Interesting Information–
a perennial shrub that may grow up to 5 feet (1.5 m) tall and 2.1 feet (.61 m) wide
flower stalks grow to 3-12 inches (7.6- 30.5 cm) tall
the leaves are silver with a downy surface
the plant is deer-resistant due to alkaloid toxins (anagyrine, lupinine.)
Mission blue butterfly’s larvae need this plant to feed.
Grape Soda Lupine- Lupinus excubitus
Interesting Information–
found in the Southwestern United States
a raceme inflorescence-rich purple flowers, each with a slight yellow spot the flowers that smell like grape soda
gray-green fan-shaped leaves with tiny silvery hairs; each is made of 7 to 10 narrow leaflets .2 to 2.0 inches (5 to 50 mm) long
Family Fagaceae
The Oak and Beeches Family
deciduous or evergreen flowering trees and shrubs with alternate, simple leaves
unisex flowers which form catkins (cylindrical flower clusters with inconspicuous or no petals which are situated on the central stem that are often drooping)
one of the most important ecologically and economically woody plants in the Northern Hemisphere temperate forest
prominent ornamental trees
woodchips from the genus Fagus are commonly used in flavoring beers
Coastal Live Oak- Quercus agrifolia var. oxydenia
Other Names- Live oak, red oak, field oak, Encina (Spanish)
Shiny evergreen convex-shaped leaves are thought to hold dew and mist in its leaves-fog harvesting
Unusual acorn shape, which is more extended and narrow, with a red fruit
Family Lamiaceae
White Sage
The Mint Family
Salvia is the largest genus in the family that contains “true sages.”
characterized by the stamens of the flowers pointing downward, which deposit the pollen on the back of the pollinators
all members of this family also have essential oils.
White Sage-Salvia apiana
Other Names- bee sage, sacred sage
Kumeyaay- Pellytaay, Pestaay
Luiseno- Quaashil, Kashil
Traditional Uses-
Kumeyaay would toast the seeds and then ground them to make pinole (a type of porridge)
the leaves were used as a remedy for a cold
young stalks were peeled and eaten
burn the leaves inside of the sweat house to purify out the toxins when sick
leaves were burned and used as a fumigation method
Luiseno would use the top of the stems when tender and peeled them and would eat uncooked
leaves were chewed or smoked as a decongestant
seeds were used as an eye-cleanser and foreign object remover
when the seed enters the eye, it becomes glutinous and will pick up any foreign objects
basket making material
used in blessing ceremonies
boy’s puberty
smudge sticks
white sage was carried in the mouth or under the arms while hunting to mask the human scent.
Interesting Information-
sacred plant
shrubby (less than 3 feet tall), a velvet-like plant that has a blue-gray appearance due to minute hairs covering both sides of the leaves
leaves feel smooth and rubbery
flower stalks can reach over 6 feet in height
the main component of white sage that gives it its aroma is Eucalyptol which research says can help with skin diseases
flowers are white with a hint of purple
compared to other sages, white sage has longer paler leaves and more prolonged, taller flower stalks.
the species name ‘apiana” means bee. The way that that flower is designed, a pollinator has to be ‘heavy’ enough to open up the lip of the flower to get access to its throat and nectar. It is believed that this adaptation helps decrease the chances of hybridization with other sages in the area.
white sage’s primary pollinators are bumblebees and carpenter bees
Cleveland Sage-Salvia clevelandii
Other Names- Alpine Cleveland Sage, musk sage, fragrant sage, blue sage, Jim sage,
Kumeyaay- Mulh’amulh
Traditional Uses-
Kumeyaay would use the seeds to season wheat
leaves were burned for ceremonial smudges
seeds were toasted and grounded up to make a type of mush called pinole
leaves were also used to treat coughs and congestion, a remedy for poison oak
burning leaves inside of a residence was used as a type of fumigation method
Luiseno would dry, ground, and cook the seeds into a kind of mush
Interesting Information–
a shrub that reaches 3 to 5 feet (1 to 1.5 m) tall
an evergreen shrub that is more woody compared to other sages, which have bright purple/violet trumpet-shaped flowers
long course leaves which are green on top and underneath, are lighter
deep purple flowers with a strong scent.
blooms from June to July
Black Sage-Salvia mellifera
Other Names– honey sage, Jade carpet
Kumeyaay– Ha’anya yul
Luiseno– Kanabut
Traditional Uses–
Kumeyaay would ground up the seeds into mush as well as eat these seeds raw
Both the Luiseno and Kumeyaay would boil the leaves and stems to create bathing water to help alleviate the flu, arthritis, and rheumatism.
used as a spice in cooking
Interesting Information-
most common sage in California
small dark green to yellow aromatic leaves
a frequent co-dominate in the coastal sage scrub community
flowers range from white to blue lavender
each flower creates a fruit with one to four seeds
seasonally dimorphic, with the leaves larger in the winter and more curled and compact in the summer as a strategy to save water (reduce transpiration)
grows 3 to 6 feet (.9 m- 1.8 m) in height
blooms from April to July
Family Malvaceae
The Mallow Family
alternate leaves are often palmately lobed or palmately veined
stems contain mucous canals and mucous cavities
flowers are borne in definite or indefinite axillary inflorescences
hollyhock, hibiscus, cotton, okra
entomophilic- pollinated by insects
Chaparral Bush Mallow- Malacothamnus fasciculatus ssp. laxiflorus
Other Names- bush mallow, Mendicino bushmallow, chaparral mallow
Luiseno- kaukat
Traditional Uses-
Kumeyaay used the seeds for food, and the flowers were used as cordage
roots were utilized to ease stomach discomfort and ulcers.
the roots contain mucilage, which decreases inflammation and swelling.
teas from mallow were used for mouth sores, gas, bloating, and heartburn
leaves were used for the above purpose if roots were not available.
a cooled decoction was used as a bath for feverish babies
Luiseno made a decoction of the leaves that is used as an emetic
Interesting Information–
dicot angiosperm
an open shrub with soft gray-green leaves with multi-branched elongated upright or arching outward stems from 3 to 15 feet (.91-4.5 m) in length
leaves are oval and round and seldom lobed: heart-shaped at the base
pale flowers occur in whorls of three to several flowers all along the outside of the branch
bloom from April to June
Family Montiaceae
The Montia Family
succulent herbs with bisexual flowers, which usually have two sepals and five petals
can grow in shaded areas but can also tolerate full sun and dry conditions
Miner’s Lettuce- Claytonia perfoliata
Other Names- winter purslane, Indian lettuce, spring beauty
Luiseno- Towish Popa’kwa
Traditional Uses-
seeds, leaves, and flowers were eaten raw and cooked
early California miners would eat to prevent scurvy- hence the name
Interesting Information–
dicot angiosperm
self pollinator
a small herbaceous and slightly succulent plant that blooms in early spring (March to May) that may reach 12 inches (30 cm) high
extremely high in Vit C
prefers shady, moist areas
bright green leaves are fused into a circle and surround the stem
leaves are sometimes streaked with white and occasionally reddish
tiny white flowers with five petals bloom from the top of the stem
bisexual radially symmetrical flowers occur in one or more clusters rising from the center of the fused leaves
Family Nyctaginaceae
The Four O’Clock Family
many genera have unusual characteristics-
sticky bands on the stems between the nodes
cleistogamous flowers- self-pollinate without opening
gypsophila-the ability to grow in soils that have a high concentration of gypsum
bougainvillea, sand verbenas, wild lantanas
Pink Sand Verbena- Abronia villosa
Other Names- desert sand verbena, chaparral sand verbena
Interesting Information–
a low-growing perennial but sometimes annual, which has several stems attached to a tap root
the plant may die off during the driest time of the year, but with enough moisture, flowers and leaves may be present year-round
maybe smooth or covered in hairs
leaves are somewhat sticky, thick, and fleshy
bisexual flowers occur in globular clusters and have a sweet fragrance
blooms between February and May
Fun Fact- The seeds of the pink sand verbena (a coastal cousin) were first collected in 1786 by a French Expedition that was continuing the Pacific Ocean exploration of Captain Cook.
The seeds were shipped back to Europe to be grown and studied by the famed biologist, Jean-Baptist Limerick. So, the pink sand verbena was the very first California flower known to Science!
Family Onagraceae
Willowherb Family or Evening Primrose Family
popular garden plants and garden weeds
herbs, shrubs, and trees
found on every continent, from the tropics to the boreal
flowers have four petals and sepals
leaves are opposite or worked and usually simple and lanceolate
primrose, fuchsia
California Suncup-Camissoniopsis bistorta
Other Names- suncups, sun cups, southern suncups, southern sun cups
Interesting Information–
dicot angiosperm
low growing annual with long sprawling reddish stems
small bright yellow flowers, often with a tiny ring of red dots in the center
bisexual flowers, with four yellow petals each, occur in the leaf axils near the top of the branches
leaves are linear to lanceolate, oblanceolate, and sometimes elliptic
long hairs cover the leaves and stems
prefers sandy open spaces, disturbed or natural
endemic to Southern California and northern Mexico coast
hermaphroditic flowers are bilaterally symmetrical and grow in either a raceme, spike, or singly at the apex of the stem
family of mostly parasitic plants- holoparasitic or hemiparasitic (whole or partly parasitic)
These plants attach to their host through haustoria, a root-like structure that surrounds the host plant’s roots and transfers nutrients from the host to the parasite.
the host plants are then reduced to compact vegetative stems
pollinated by insects and birds
Woolly Indian Paintbrush- Castilleja foliolosa
Other Names- Texas Indian paintbrush, Indian paintbrush
Traditional Uses-
Native Americans use the Indian Paintbrush plant as a food source, condiment, and to treat various ailments.
contains the mineral Selenium (Se) within its tissues, so consuming the leaves or roots can be very toxic.
Interesting Information–
A perineal wildflower grows 1 to 3 feet tall and is covered in woolly white or gray branching hairs.
the hairs reflect the sun and help capture moisture from the air; on foggy mornings
gray fuzzy leaves are about 2 inches long and linear in shape
the inflorescence contains layers of bracts tipped in bright orange and red to a dull yellowish-green.
in-between the bracts are plain linear, pouch-shaped green flowers.
the flower gives the appearance of a paintbrush dipped in paint; hence the name
blooms from March to June
Species in the genus Castilleja are hemiparasitic, where their roots tap into other plants’ roots and steal nutrients from the host plant.
Because of this parasitic nature, you will likely find this plant next to other natives, especially next to Desert Broom -(Baccharis sarothoides) and California Sunflower (Encelia californica)
Purple Owl’s Clover- Castilleja exserta
Other Names- escobita, exserted Indian paintbrush
Traditional Uses-
The Native Californians harvested the seeds
Interesting Information–
the inflorescence is a vividly colored shaggy purple-pink to pale lavender flowers
like others in the Castilleja genus, purple owl’s clover is hemiparasitic
an introduced species in Hawaii
Fun Fact- This flower is an essential host for the threatened species the Bay checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas editha bayensis), which is endemic to the San Fransico Bay Area in Northern California.
Traditional Uses- the Luiseno in Oceanside used this plant as an emetic (vomit inducing)
Interesting Information-
pollinated by bumblebees and hummingbirds
common name due to the flowers looking similar to a bird’s beak
Family Papaveraceae
The Poppy Family
cosmopolitan but lacking in the tropics.
plants may be annual, biennial, or perineal and herbaceous with a few shrubs or evergreen trees
lactiferous, producing a latex-like liquid that may be milky, clear, yellow, or red.
California Poppy- Eschscholzia californiaca var. peninsularis
Other Names- cup of gold, golden poppy, California sunlight
Luiseno- Ataushanut
Traditional Uses-
Luiseno would eat the leaves as greens, and the flowers were added as a flavor enhancer to a milkweed flower to make a chewing gum
the whole plant was harvested when in bloom, and the dried plant and sap were used as a pain reliever, sedative, diuretic, and aids in the treatment of incontinence
used to calm hyperactive children
The Spanish made a type of hairdressing by boing poppy petals in olive oil and adding perfume
Interesting Information–
dicot angiosperm
many-branched herbaceous annual with a fleshy orange taproot
less than 24 inches in height
blue-green basal stems and leaves
bisexual radially symmetrical bright orange flowers with yellow edges; 4 petals are up to 2.5 inches long
does not produce nectar but has plentiful amounts of pollen
California’s state flowers since 1903
early Spaniards called them ‘Dormidera,’ which means ‘fall asleep’ as these flowers close at night and sometimes during cloudy or foggy days
Fun Fact- To increase their chances of pollination, the California poppy flower has a large central spot that absorbs UV radiation while reflecting the longer wavelengths. Humans can not see UV light, but insects do. As humans, we only see a bright orange flower, yet insects can see the UV pattern, which looks like a dark spot in the middle of the flower. In essence, this adaptation helps guide the insects to the pollen.
Family Phrymaceae
Common Yellow Monkey Flower
The Lopseed Family
a small family of flowering plants, mostly herbs and a few subshrubs
annual and perennial
opposite leaves
five-lobed flowers
a cosmopolitan distribution that occurs in diverse habitats
flowers are tubular, toothed, and bilaterally symmetrical
Here is a shortcut to learning: many different types of monkeyflowers exist.
Genus Erythranthe-moisture
Genus Diplacous- drought
Cardinal Monkey Flower- Erythranthe cardinalis
Other Names- red monkey flower
Interesting Information–
a large spreading plant that prefers moisture
serves as a model system for studying pollinator-based reproductive isolation
bright red flowers with toothed fuzzy leaves
a favorite of hummingbirds whose foreheads transfer the pollen between the flowers
Common Yellow Monkey Flower- Erythranthe guttata
Other Names- seep monkey flower, common yellow monkey flower
Traditional Uses-
leaves are edible, both cooked or raw
Interesting Information–
grows along banks and streams- needs moisture and full sun
pollinated by bees
blooms in spring in lower elevations and summer in higher elevations
A model organism for biological studies as over 1000 scientific papers focus on this particular species. There are many papers where the original scientific name (Mimulus gluttatus) is still recognized
Southern Monkey Flower- Diplacus aurantiacus
Other Names- sticky monkey flower, bush monkey flower, orange bush monkey flower
Traditional Uses-
Kumeyaay would use the bush monkey flower to create poultices for burns and wounds to treat colds, coughs, flu, and heart ailments.
a hot infusion of the roots was used to treat stomach disorders
made a tea by boiling the whole plant to help regulate menstruation
Luiseno used as an emetic (to cause vomiting)
Interesting Information–
woody perennial or a subshrub that can grow up to 4 feet (1.2 m) in height
the shiny leaves are narrow, with the surface of both sides being the same color of green
glandular leaves that feel sticky due to exuding a resin, especially for younger leaves on a hot day
tubular flowers that are bilaterally symmetrical
Five petals are united into a two-lipped tube, with two up top and three below
unusually two flowers per node
blooming from March to August
referred to as ‘sticky’ because of the texture of the leaves
Fun Fact- The two-lobed stigma of the Southern monkey flower is touch-sensitive, so when it is touched by a pollinator, the lobes will fold in and flowers will close up. If pollen has been deposited, fertilization will be initiated and the flower will stay permanently closed. If not, the flower will open back up after a short time.
Wide Throat Monkey Flower-Diplacus brevipes
Other Names- Widethroat yellow monkey flower
Interesting Information–
an endemic hairy annual herb growing from 2 to 30 inches ( 5-72 cm) tall
native to the mountains and foothills of Southern California -found in the chaparral, especially after a fire
important butterfly flower
Family Plantaginaceae
The Plantain Family
a diverse family of flowering plants
cosmopolitan distribution occurring primarily in temperate zones
leaves are spiral to opposite and simple to compound
the structure and form of the flowers are variable
annual herb reaching between 2 to 15 inches (5 to 40 cm) in height, growing in clumps or as a singular thin stem
the stem is erect and reddish to green
thread-like leaves that may be sparse to densely covered in fine hairs
the name ‘wooly’ refers to the fuzzy filaments found just below the petals
endemic and also found in northern Baja California- found in many habitats
the inflorescence is located at the tips of the stems are arranged with pointed leaf-like green to red bracts and funnel shape flowers
the corolla of the flower has five lobes, with each measuring .2 to .4 inches (.5 to 1 cm) in length and is pale blue to bright blue
the throat of the flower may be the same color or yellowish to white
at the mouth of the tubular flower, there may be yellow or white dots
blooms from May to August
Chaparral Gilia- Gilia angelensis
Other Names- volcanic gilia
Interesting Information–
a member of the chaparral community and native to the coastal mountains of Califonia and Baja California
has a slender branching stem standing anywhere between 4 to 27 inches (10 to 70 cm) in height
at the end of the stem branches, there are bunched inflorescences of petite flowers
several small clusters of thin leaflets grow on the lower part of the plant
Bluehead Gilia- Gilia capitata ssp abrotanifolia
Other Names- blue-thimble-flower, globe gilia, blue field gilia,
Interesting Information–
annual taprooted herb
a flowering plant that grows in many habitats, especially in sandy or rocky soils
branching leafy stems that can grow from 4 to 35 inches (10 to 90 cm)
the leaves are divided into toothed and lobed leaflets
a spherical inflorescence of 50 to 100 small flowers is found on top of the thick stem
each flower has a throat opening into a corolla which can be white, pink, lavender, or light blue
blooms from March to June
Family Polygonaceae
The Knotweed or Smartweed-Buckwheat Family
perennial herbaceous flowering plants with swollen joints, but there are also trees, shrubs, and vines
the family name is derived from Greek, where ‘poly’ means many, ‘gony’ denotes ‘knee’ or ‘joint’
several species are ornamentals
California Buckwheat- Eriogonum fasciculatum ssp. foliolosum
Other Names- wild buckwheat, Antelope sage, Colita de Raton, sulfur flower, skeleton weed, eastern Mojave buckwheat, flat-top buckwheat
Kumeyaay- Hamill
Traditional Uses-
Kumeyaay would boil the flowers to relieve stomach problems, eyewash, mouthwash, and bladder infections
a decoction of these flowers was given to infants as a remedy for diarrhea, as well as to help adults with cardiovascular disease
Luiseno would use to treat varicose veins, tissue swelling, and water retention
buckwheat has a high content of the bioflavonoids rutin, which is known to strengthen capillaries
Interesting Information–
a common shrub that is native to the Southwest United States and Northern Mexico, especially on the coast and within Southern California Coast Ranges
grows on slopes and dry washes of diverse habitats
dominant species in coastal sage scrub and is found scattered in the chaparral, especially in disturbed areas
variable in appearance, which can form a patchy, compact bramble or a spreading bush which can grow up to 6.6 feet (2 m) and 9.8 feet (3 m) across
leathery leaves are simple and alternate, wooly on the underside, and grow in clusters at the nodes along the branch
the small narrow rolled leaves look very similar to rosemary and are less than 1 inch (3 cm) in length
white and pink flowers appear in clusters
flower petals are lacking, and the six sepals resemble petals
dried flowers turn a rusty color
very important to the local butterfly and bee communities
predominant source for California honey
an extensive shallow root system that can quickly take up any available water
California buckwheat is one of the hosts of the parasitic California dodder
Family Rhamnaceae
Hollyleaf Redberry
The Buckthorn Family
worldwide distribution
simple leaves, which can be either alternate and spiraling or opposite
stipules are present ( a small leaf-like appendage
flowers are radially symmetrical- have 5 (sometimes 4) separate sepals and 5 (sometimes four or none) separate petals, which may be white, yellowish, greenish, pink, or blue
fruits are mostly berries, fleshy drupes, and nuts
Chaparral Whitethorn- Ceanothus leucodermis
Other Names- chaparral whitethorn, wild lilac, mountain lilac, California lilac, blueblossum, buckbrush
Luiseno- red root
Traditional Uses-
Luiseno used as an ornament for Spring ceremonies
historically used for lymphatic cleansing, enlarged spleen, and liver cleansing
red-root has been shown to increase platelet counts that chemotherapy may have lowered.
the roots were boiled into a tea to treat colds, bronchitis, whooping cough, and tonsilitis
Interesting Information–
a thorny shrub that grows erect and may reach up to 13 feet (4 m) in height
the bark is grey-white, waxy, and slightly hairy
stems are spreading and intricately branched
oval-shaped evergreen leaves, which are alternately arranged and are up to 1.5 inches (4 cm)- edges of the leaves are smooth or lined with little glandular teeth
leaves are covered with a white powder
the inflorescence is a long, stalked cluster of flowers in shades of blue, lavender, and white and is very fragrant
native to California and Baja California, where grows in the coastal and inland mountain habitats, such as the chaparral, coniferous forest, and oak woodlands
important browse for mules, deer, and bighorn sheep who prefer the new growth and shoots
a particular favorite of local bees
blooms from April to June
Fun Fact- Eastern troops, during the Revolutionary War, would boil the roots of the Ceanothus tree as a substitute for tea.
thick leaves are oval to rounded with oval tips measuring .75 to 1.5 inches (2 to 4 cm) long with the
the leaf edges are spiny toothed and fold under, making it concave
the inflorescence is a solitary flower or an umbel with up to 4 to 6 flowers
the edible fruit is a drupe which is a bright shiny red color when ripe
berries are essential food for birds
blooms from April-June
native to western North America, which grows in a wide variety of habitats, including chaparral and wooded areas
Family Rosaceae
The Rose Family
herbs, shrubs, and trees
cosmopolitan distribution
most are deciduous, with some being evergreen
leaves are generally arranged spirally but are opposite in some
radially symmetrical showy flowers
valuable economically significant products- almonds, apples, berries, pears, apricots, plums, peaches, strawberries: as well as ornamental trees and bushes (rose, firethorns, hawthorns)
Chamise- Adenostoma fasciculatum
Other Names- greasewood
Kumeyaay- iipshi
Luiseno- U’ut
Traditional Uses-
Kumeyaay- would make arrow points by heating chamise points over coals to make the ‘hard as iron’
the raw material for shelters
used medicinally
the firewood produces long lasting coals
charcoal from a chamise fire was used in tattoos
Luiseno and Kumeyaay would make arrow fore shafts with dried greenwood branches from the plant
baskets from the branches
use the seed and fruit as a food source
Interesting Information-
dicot angiosperm
leaves are small, thick, and waxy, which help slow water loss
resinous flammable leaves, hence the name Greasewood
extensive root system which can go down to 25 feet (7.6 m) and has access to subsurface water sources
chamise stems arise from a burl ( a large, subsurface woody mass)
two types of seeds
next season germination
needs heat or fire- the seeds build up in the soil and will sprout after a fire
chamise is the only chaparral plant with both strategies of germination
bisexual radially symmetrical flowers with five petals and five to numerous amounts of spirally arranged stamens
dominant species in chaparral-it’s multiple branches intertwine with neighboring species, which helps make the impenetrable chaparral thicket
California Wildrose- Rosa californica
Kumeyaay- Kwa” ak
Luiseno- Ushia
Traditional Uses-
Kumeyaay would use the flower petals, and rose hips were used as food and to make tea. An infusion of the petals was given to babies for fevers.
Interesting Information-
deciduous in winter but may go dormant in the summer if not enough water is available
native to California, Oregon, and Baja California
native to chaparral and woodlands; arid areas, but grow best in canyon and moist places
forms a mounding and spreading thicket up to 8 feet (2.5 m) high and 10 feet (3 m) wide of thin, spiny stems
fragrant flowers may grow singly or in an inflorescence of several buds
an open, flat flower with five petals
attracts bees, butterflies, and birds as pollinators
Family Rubiaceae
The Coffee, Madder and Bedstraw Family
fourth largest Family with a cosmopolitan distribution but more concentrated in the tropics and subtropics
opposite or whorled leaves that are simple and entire
trees, shrubs, lianas, or herbs
Narrow-leaved Bedstraw- Galium angustifolium
Traditional Uses-
The Kumeyaay gather when the flowers are green and blooming then dried to use as a tea to treat diarrhea
stem and leaves where twined together for bedding- hence the common name of bedstraw
Other Names- Narrow-leave bedstraw, chaparral bedstraw
Interesting Information-
commonly found in low elevations in the mountains
dioecious with male and female flowers on separate plants
distinguished by flower clusters and by paired leaves and leaf like stipules which together whirl along the stem
germination of seeds is stimulated by fire
Family Salicaceae
The Willow Family
deciduous trees and shrubs
alternate, simple leaves
reduced an inconspicuous unisex flowers- small, apetalous (lacking petals) in catkins (downy flowers which are wind-pollinated)
Arroyo Willow- Salix lasiolepis
Kumeyaay- ‘aiyau
Traditional Uses-
Kumeyaay- a significant plant to the tribe as it is an indicator that freshwater is present
branches, twigs, leaves, and bark were used to make several items used in everyday life
The Ohlone of the north and central coast of California used as a poultice to treat infections and sores
Interesting Information–
herbaceous branching perennial, which may be up to 6 feet ( 2 m) in height
oval to triangular bright green leaves with an opposite formation
the leaf base is heart-shaped or truncated, with the margins being toothed
tiny red flowers (1/4 inch or .6 cm) bloom in compound clusters from the top of the stems
clusters exist in V-shaped nodes creating a zig-zag shape
bisexual bilateral flowers, with two petals up and three petals down
blooms from February to July
Fun Fact- The California figwort plant is the host to the variable checkerspot butterfly. Bee plants contain a type of glycoside that is toxic to vertebrates. The caterpillars are able to sequester this compound and because of this, the larvae are protected from bird predators. The glycoside is carried unto the adult stage; therefore, the adult butterfly is protected from predators as well.
Family Solanaceae
San Diego Nightshade
The Nightshade, Potato, and Tobacco Family
cosmopolitan distribution of flowering plants- herbs, vines, lianas (long-stemmed woody vine), epiphyte (grows on another plant but is not parasitic), shrubs, and trees
they can be annual, biennial, perennial, upright, or spreading
leaves are alternate or alternate to opposite
flowers are hermaphroditic
includes many critical crops- tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, bell peppers; spices, medicinal plants, weeds, and ornamental plants
contains alkaloids, primarily anabasine which causes hallucinations, as well as scopolamine, atropine, and nicotine
Sacred Datura- Datura wrightii
Other Names- western jimson weed, thorn apple, toloache, toluaca, moonflower, devil’s trumpet, angel trumpet
Luiseno- Naktomush
Traditional Uses-
Luiseno and Kumeyaay-used for both medicinal and ceremonial purposes
ceremonial shamen of both tribes used to induce hallucinations during puberty rites
anesthesia & antispasmodic
the smoke was inhaled to relieve rheumatism and earaches
topically applied on wounds
Interesting Information-
native from central Califonia down to northern Mexico, which prefers open, sandy, or disturbed areas
sprawling to ascending perennial herbs, which has a sizeable fleshy storage root
leaves are green, triangular, and are less than 4.5 inches ( 11.5 cm)
though all parts of the plant are highly toxic, it is a popular garden plant
large fragrant night-blooming bisexual flower
datura comes from the Hindu word “Dhatura,” which means thorn apple
dry, prickly fruit
can cause death to forage animals or humans
blooms from April to October
Fun Fact- The common name ‘western jimsonweed’ comes from the closely related D. stramineae, which was collected at Jamestown Virginia, from where it got its name. In 1676, a group of soldiers ate jimsonweed in their salad and ‘tripped-out” for eleven days afterward.
Tree Tobacco- Nicotiana glauca
Other Names- tobacco tree, mustard tree, juanloco, Palo loco
Luiseno- Pavivut
Traditional Uses-
smoked during ceremonial and spiritual purposes
very toxic and induces vomiting
ingestion creates seizures and possible death
administered topically on wounds and as a fumigant for earaches
Interesting Information–
dicot angiosperm
small open tree (less than 20 feet or 6 meters; rubbery greenish-blue leaves dusted with fine waxy particles (glaucous) and terminal clusters of tubular flowers
leaves are oval and less than 8 inches (20 cm) in length with a pointed tip
native to South America, but is classified as a weed in California
blooms (March- Sept) regularly along roadsides, trails, and disturbed areas
first recorded in California in the late 19th century, but not sure how it was introduced
San Diego Nightshade- Solarium xanti var. xanti
Other Names- chaparral nightshade, purple nightshade, xant nightshade
Traditional Uses-
used as a dermatological aide
Interesting Information
semi-deciduous, perennial herb or subshrub up to 2 feet (60 cm) tall and slightly wider
found in chaparral, oak/pine woodlands, and coniferous forests
prefers part sun and clay soils
lance-shaped to oval leaves up to 2.75 inches (7 cm) long
umbrel-shaped inflorescence with many 1-inch (3 cm) lightly fragrant purple flowers with bright yellow stamens
the fruit is a green berry- .4 to .6 inches (1 to 1.5 cm) wide
cultivated as an ornamental
native to the Western United States and Baja California
deer resistant due to all parts of the plant being toxic
blooms from February to June
Family Themidaceae
The Brodiaea Family
perennial herb from corm with cormlets forming at the base of corms or by stolons (a creeping horizontal plant stem)
one to 10 leaves linear to narrow-lanceolate
the inflorescence is umbel-like
Blue Dicks- Dichelostemma capitatum
Other Names- purplehead, brodiaea, wild hyacinth, congested snakelily
Kumeyaay- melkikup
Traditional Uses-
Luiseno- the corms were an essential source of starch -traditional gathering sites were visited annually
when gathering occurs, it depends on the tribe or the individual family- before flowering, while flowering, or after seeding
Kumeyaay- bake the corms as a food source
Interesting Information–
perennial herb arising from a corm (a short, vertical underground plant stem that serves as a storage mechanism to help survive harsh conditions) and can reach up to 23 inches (60 cm) in height
corms may lay dormant underground for up to a decade and will wait for fire or other favorable environmental conditions before breaking ground
2 to 3 leaves that are 4 to 16 inches (10 to 40 cm) long
the inflorescence is umbel-like and contains 2 to 15 blue, blue-purple, pink-purple flowers
each flower has six lobes and a triangular crown in the center
thrive in open and disturbed areas and can be found in a variety of habitats-vernal pools, valley grasslands, scrub, open woodlands
a typical ‘post-fire species in the scrub
reproduce via seeds and cormlets
blooms from March to June
SouthernCaliforniaNative Plant Search
So now that you have become familiar with a few of Southern California’s native plants, do you think you can recognize a few of the endemic plants?
I thought that it would be fun to add a few photos for you to try out your newly acquired knowledge.
Here is another one located off the Temecula Creek Inn Trail behind the golf course.
If you made it this far, I would thank you with all my heart! Writing about all of these Southern California native plants has been so satisfying! When I started this adventure in March, I was intimidated while hiking and trying to ID the flowers. Now that we are in July, I have improved tremendously. How about you?
Please check back shortly as I am working on a few other Southern California native plant articles if you enjoyed this post. The next one will concentrate on what I saw on the coast at San Onofre State Beach in May after California finally opened the beaches again.
And finally, I wanted to add a few words of encouragement during this unprecedented time in history, as I like to refer to as, Quarantine 2020.
Stay strong and positive, as this will all be over soon. I highly recommend spending time in Nature. It sure helps me stay sane!
I have always had a deep-seated passion for the Ocean Environment which ultimately led me to receive a degree in Marine Biology. Living in the San Diego area for over 30 years, I have extensively explored the 70 miles of San Diego’s coastline, and I am here to share! Please use my website to your advantage and have a look around at all the wonders that the beaches of San Diego can offer you!
4 Replies to “Southern California Native Plants”
Colleen! This article is great, and I am saving it. My name is Nathan Davila. I am a project manager for a “tree planting program” that SDG&E is currently running. As part of our sustainability goals, we are giving away trees for free across the county.
It would be nice to talk and potentially collaborate to see if you know of any places throughout the county that has a need for trees. We work closely with many Native American tribes, conservation and non-profit organizations, cities, etc.
Hi, Colleen! This is a great post. We have telegraph weed all over near our house, and also terrible mutant fleas that infest our house all summer, and drive our dog and children to distraction (no conventional medicine seems to work on these fleas, and it freaks me out to pick them out of the children’s hair). I’ve read both here and elsewhere that the Chumash used Telegraph Weed as a flea deterrent (which totally makes sense that the weed is growing where it’s needed), but nowhere have I found HOW they used it. Rub the leaves on the dog/floors, etc.? Make a salve? A wash? A smudge? Any ideas? Thanks!
Hi Sarah! Thank you so much for reaching out. I, too, just did a bit of research, and I can not find how they used it. Maybe a smudge like how California sagebrush was used to clear fleas out of living quarters? You do seem to have some good suggestions. Also, if we could read page 95 on this document, it might help If you find the answer, feel free to come back and tell me! Good luck!
Colleen! This article is great, and I am saving it. My name is Nathan Davila. I am a project manager for a “tree planting program” that SDG&E is currently running. As part of our sustainability goals, we are giving away trees for free across the county.
It would be nice to talk and potentially collaborate to see if you know of any places throughout the county that has a need for trees. We work closely with many Native American tribes, conservation and non-profit organizations, cities, etc.
Hi Nathan! It would be a pleasure to speak with you. Please send me an email at
Hi, Colleen! This is a great post. We have telegraph weed all over near our house, and also terrible mutant fleas that infest our house all summer, and drive our dog and children to distraction (no conventional medicine seems to work on these fleas, and it freaks me out to pick them out of the children’s hair). I’ve read both here and elsewhere that the Chumash used Telegraph Weed as a flea deterrent (which totally makes sense that the weed is growing where it’s needed), but nowhere have I found HOW they used it. Rub the leaves on the dog/floors, etc.? Make a salve? A wash? A smudge? Any ideas? Thanks!
Hi Sarah! Thank you so much for reaching out. I, too, just did a bit of research, and I can not find how they used it. Maybe a smudge like how California sagebrush was used to clear fleas out of living quarters? You do seem to have some good suggestions. Also, if we could read page 95 on this document, it might help If you find the answer, feel free to come back and tell me! Good luck!