Today, I would like to take a closer look into the elusive shorebird found on the coast of San Diego, Brandt’s Cormorant. This seabird, the largest cormorant species, is located only on North America’s Pacific Coast and feeds on the California Current. La Jolla is the best place to see Brandt’s Cormorants up close. I just happened to be in the area at the end of January this year and was pleasantly surprised to see a baby cormorant and two eggs!
The Brandt’s Cormorant is strictly marine but is known to enter San Diego Bay. It is fascinating that it does not enter Mission Bay or any of San Diego’s coastal lagoons. Their main colonies are on The Channel Islands of Southern California and Mexico’s Los Coronados Islands.
Let’s take a closer look at the Brandt’s Cormorant, shall we?
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The Brandt’s Cormorant is a large, heavy-bodied, oval-shaped shorebird with a slender neck and hooked beak. The breeding adults are black with a purple sheen, have brilliant turquoise eyes, a very bright blue (gular pouch) throat patch, which fades after the breeding seasons, and whiskery white feathers on the head, neck, and shoulders.
Nonbreeding birds are entirely black, and the juveniles are dark brownish with a fluffy plume around the neck.
The bird was named after the German zoologist Johan Friedrich von Brandt in 1837.
The name Cormorant is derived from the Latin words Corvus Marinus, which translates to marine crow or raven. Some believe this is due to their perching behavior on bluffs or cliffs beside the ocean.
The size of the Brandt’s Cormorant falls between a crow and a goose for comparison in the world of birds, with both sexes being similar in size.
Lifespan is a maximum of 25 years with an average of 15 years and reaches sexual maturity at two years. They return to the breeding colony at two years but do not start mating until three to four years old.
Chicks are born without feathers and rely on regurgitation from their parents for the first month of life.
The sexual cycle of Brandt’s Cormorant can be broken up into three different phases:
Phase One begins when the males advertise by ‘displaying’ and the females by visiting the males.
Phase Two begins when a female chooses a male, either by flying or walking up to him, and this is when they will both start displaying to each other (bisexual displays.)
This is the phase where pairing will either take place or not. If pairing is not accomplished, the male will resume displaying to other females, and the female will go off searching for another male, but if the female chooses the male, he will stop displaying.
The male goes off searching for nesting material if any female stays with him for any time. Most of the nesting material is acquired underwater.
When the male returns with the nesting material, the female will get up from sitting and take hold of the material in her bill.
The males and females will hold the material in their beaks together, sway side to side and place the nesting material down in tandem.
The nest is a circular mound of grass, seaweed, sticks, and other materials cemented together by their droppings (guano.) Both the male and female will constantly arrange this nest throughout the incubation period of the chicks.
The nest measures 13 to 14 inches long and 6 inches tall, with the interior of the nest being around 7.8 inches across and 3.5 inches deep.
The Brandt’s Cormorant occurs in San Diego County as a winter visitor, but some will remain yearly. They have nestled on the bluffs above the La Jolla Caves and were first noted in 1933. At that time, it was considered to be a long-established breeding colony. They nest on ledges on cliffs or inside caves.
The nesting in La Jolla is unsynchronized, as there are reports of nests being built that occurred as early as December and as late as April. There were two studies done in the early 2000s that reported occupied nests from February to July.
This makes sense why there were already chicks and eggs during my visit.
The Brandt’s cormorant is exclusively marine and prefers to be on the windward side of islands, coastal cliffs, and offshore rocks.
In closing, I wanted to give some final thoughts regarding the Brandt’s Cormorant breeding colony at La Jolla Cove. I observed that all breeding adults were concentrated near and around the nesting area, while nonbreeding and juveniles were off to the side closest to the water.
I highly recommend visiting La Jolla Cove and checking them out for yourself! And while you are there, see the California sea lions (around the corner) and the Pacific Harbor seals at La Jolla Children’s Pool!
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